Last spring was quite the season and was my busiest one yet! For starters, I returned to Highland Park to pick up where I and my lilac "partner-in-crime" had left off assessing the lilacs in the collection. It was a tremendous and productive (and tiring) trip but so worth it - and once again, I left feeling blessed and overjoyed. During this trip, I was able to connect with even more friends that I have only corresponded with virtually, as well as reuniting with those I had seen the year prior. 

I also enjoyed making several trips to a friend's collection located a couple of hours away from me. It is literally a lilac haven located in the mountains and a trip that I look forward to every year. Not only is the scenery spectacular on the way and the destiny far from most civilization, the lilacs there are always about two weeks behind in bloom and extend the season. The icing on the cake is how wonderful the company is that I get to spend time with when I am there!