'Siebold' - a rare Lemoine (French) white lilac with cream-colored buds

2022 Preservation Efforts

Not only were we able to continue grafting additional cultivars, but the grafting trio branched out in regards to preservation/propagation efforts by successfully rooting cuttings of four rare non-vulgaris lilac species  taken from mother plants. 

2022 was another successful year in making preservation progress​! We were able to graft another dozen lilacs successfully and some of the 1st generation grafts started blooming this year. Seeing some of our first attempts get larger and produce blooms made it feel like we definitely were making progress and was fun to witness as well!

In addition, I was able to make more progress in locating and procuring suckers of rare lilacs (about a dozen in total) and gifted two dozen different lilacs to other collections! 

'Coral' - a Syringa prestoniae that we successfully rooted from cuttings! (and when I say "we", I really mean my amazing friend in New York! [All I did was harvest the cuttings.] )

'Agincourt Beauty' - a cultivar very commonly mixed up in the trade