As I have stated earlier, this site really came about as a result of wanting to pass the time while waiting for spring to arrive. As time has moved on, I've realized that it is a great way to share the knowledge that I have gained about lilacs to those that may not know much about them but are curious to learn more. I've observed that the general public really doesn't know much about lilacs, but repeat the same "facts" about them - that they smell good, that they don't bloom long (which seems to be one of the biggest complaints), that they come in a couple of colors (purple and white) and that there are two basic varieties, common and "French". The latter three statements are pretty inaccurate, so this section of the Zone is meant to help dispel some of the misconceptions out there about lilacs.

Depending upon the variety, lilacs bloom at different times, come in multiple colors, produce flowers of various types and have originated from people all around the world. This section of the site is still being developed, but as it is, I hope that you enjoy reading more about lilacs than you probably care to know.