information on this site can be relied upon as just that. I will on occasion provide info regarding my observations, but my observations should not be considered fact. As for comments regarding specific cultivars, that is completely and entirely just my opinion and you should take it as such! I have realized after talking to many other lilac aficionados that what may impress me may not always impress someone else and vice-versa! 

Spring is coming and it is fueling my lilac fixation once again. The popularity of this site seems to be growing from year to year, but surprisingly, I don't hear from many people. What has been pretty cool however is that the stats for the site indicate that it is being viewed all over the world . If you are looking at it, don't be shy, people! I would love to hear from you! How much of a lilac fan are you? Where do you live? What have you seen on this site that you have liked? If you visit the site on occasion, what keeps you coming back? As time moves on, I plan to continue to enhance this site with more information about lilacs - and may update some of my photos and observations. Please feel free to check back on occasion, and please feel free to contact me and let me know what you enjoy!

(In case you haven't surmised it yet, let me just come right out and state that I am a die-hard lilac fan. I am still not quite sure who I have to thank for such a strong affinity to lilacs. [It's easy to blame my mother but even she couldn't be described as having the obsession that I do.] Lilacs have become my hobby and I now own over 125 different lilac cultivars. Some might call me a lilac whacko if they knew how much I liked them. Who am I kidding? Some already do! My wife jokingly calls me an addict, but humors me because I think she knows that a lot of people have vices much worse. Plus, I know that she really does enjoy them. Come on. Let's be honest. Who doesn't, really?)  

This site originated as a hobby for me several years ago. I in no way consider myself to be an expert on lilacs, but given how much I have learned about  them in the past 15+ years, I wanted to provide a site that would increase awareness about their diversity and allow others to enjoy seeing some of the lesser-known varieties (if only in a virtual way). While you will no doubt notice that I don't take myself too seriously, I do think it is important to only disseminate accurate information, so any factual

Welcome to the Lilac Zone!