2022 was another busy year of travel. Once again I took a number of trips to visit other collections in the spring. Regardless, I made it a point to take some time (though it seems like there is never enough) to enjoy my own collection as well, and boy was it another great year for first time bloomers! In 2022, we were fortunate to see 9 cultivars bloom for the first time, including many that I have waited (impatiently, mind you) for years to see and some cultivars that I had never even seen a picture of what the blooms look like, so I had no idea what to expect! 

This lilac is a Russian lilac called 'Kosmos'. It is another lilac that I was extremely excited to see when it bloomed and my Russian friend confirmed that it was the true cultivar. The majority of the lilacs found in the United States labeled as 'Kosmos' are not the real deal and unfortunately I found that out personally, the first time that I tried to obtain it. It was so great to see that I finally have the true one!

I was also excited to see 'Comtesse Horace de Choiseul' bloom for the first time this year because of its propensity to produce mutations. (See the section on "Unique Lilacs".) It only had one bloom, so I wasn't anticipating seeing a mutation occur already, but now that it is flowering, it is going to be fun to see whether it ever occurs!

'Royal Purple' is a hyacinthiflora and one of only two double-flowering of its species that I own, which made it exciting in itself to see when it flowered. It also is a cultivar that I bought during my first visit to Highland Park years ago, when I found it being sold at the lilac festival and thus it evoked great memories when it bloomed this year. Who would have thought back then how involved I would be with the park years later?

'Betty Stone' is a cultivar that was gifted to me the same year that I befriended the gentleman that won it at the International Lilac Society lilac auction. The plant in the auction was actually composed of two suckers and he was kind enough to give me one of them when he found out that I was interested in it. It was another lilac that I had never seen a documented photo of, so watching the florets open and mature this year was great fun. This cultivar produces huge florets and the compactness of the  

'Hosannah' is a beautiful double-flowering violet lilac that I was thrilled to see flower this year. I planted it with two other cultivars, 'Glory' and 'Hallelujah' as a small token of thanks to God. I truly believe that I am blessed to be able to have created such a haven to enjoy so many amazing lilac cultivars and so this lilac and the two others planted next to it hold a special place in my heart. 

'Moondust' is a very unique lilac because it is the only double-flowering lilac that I know of that has such a clearly defined picotee effect in its petals that can be seen from a distance. I had obtained this lilac from a lilac nursery that had the unfortunate reputation of selling lilacs that tended to be mislabeled often, so I was nervous that I might experience the same phenomenon with this one. I was shocked and thrilled to see when it bloomed that it truly was 'Moondust'. It is a beautiful lilac and being double-flowering, its bicolor florets are fascinating to observe up close!

florets in the panicles make the panicles impressive as well. I will never forget my friend's generosity, especially when he barely knew me at the time!

'Eleanor Berdeen' is a lilac that I saw for the first time over 15 years ago and when I saw its bloom, I absolutely became enamored with its coloration and reflexed petals. It is another lilac that I could only find available through the infamous nursery of mislabeled lilacs, so I was overwhelmingly relieved this year to see it bloom and look similar to what I remembered it looking like!

Type your paragraph here.

'Dr. John Rankin' is a Fiala introduction that I was never able to locate documented photos of, so I didn't know what to expect except that it was described to be in the violet category. That made the anticipation of seeing the florets for the first time even greater and more exciting! It was not a disappointment. The coloration of the florets in this cultivar is amazing. Just look for yourself!